So today, I received my assignments for a course that I have decided to do. Yeah I know I'm 33 yrs old, and really I need to concentrate on other things, but think about it.... I have nothing to do all day, my kids are both at school, I have time on my hands, I will need to get a job at some point, so why not sit here and in between housework, and cooking and cleaning, I can sit and learn something, and get an award at the end of it, which is not just any old award, no it is a fully certified award, recognised in work places. I will have a certificate which will in fact give me a qualification.
At school. I did enjoy learning to a point, but there were factors which actually stopped me from learning to the full potential and completing the course. These factors were fellow friends and students who were studying the same course, sadly for me, my friends were not interested in learning too much, and felt that they were simply there just to doss about with friends, because their parents told them they couldn't give up school until they had a job. There was also the problem of the teacher, I was in the sixth form, I was 17 years old, I was studying a GNVQ. We were basically handed out the assignments to do, and told to get on with it. I was not really bothered about that, to a point, because I was quite happy getting on with my coursework, that was until I needed help, or clarification or I was waiting for a mark, on the work that I had completed so that I could get on with the next part. Unfortunately the teacher was either constantly on her phone, or she just was not in the building and no one could ever find her. It was a nightmare, in the end I gave up with school, and by which time I already had a part time job at a supermarket, so I just upped and left.
Now that I am older, I feel like i am worth more, and I am more experience and I don't hang around with friends or go out constantly, so it was time for me to sit and put my time to good use, and start a distance learning course. These courses are great if you don't want to actually go back to an actual school to learn. You pay for them and you either get the materials sent to you through the post, or you get all your coursework online. You simply log on to the student portal, and read your coursework assignments, get on and do them on your computer, and submit them online. You get a teacher mark your work, telling you if the work you submitted need more added to it etc, and in the end you get your certificate. You can do all sorts of online courses. I think that they are a fantastic way for adults to carry on learning, and of course all these new qualifications..... will look good on your CV! There are hundreds of different courses that you can chose from. Yeah they can cost quite a bit of money, but at the same time, you don't have to pay for them outright, you can actually pay monthly by direct debit.
Well I have my iMac all up and running and I have a nice cup of tea, so I suppose I had best be off to crack on with my assignment, I am really looking forward to having a new qualification by the end of the year.
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