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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Writing A Novel

So I like to call myself a writer.. although at the moment I am not paid to write, but everything that I do involves writing of some sort. I decided a long time ago, that as well as blogging I was going to "try" and write a Novel. That is my dream anyway. Although my spelling may not be that good, or my grammar and punctuation, I must remember that I am not sat in that English class anymore, and I can go back through things and check to make sure that I have written things correctly if need be, and of course we are in the 21st century now and we can have things changed for us on the computer.

I won't write too much about my novel on here, but lets just say, it is a story of great happiness and the most awful heart wrenching tragedy. Once I have it completed I will send it off to a publisher, and see where it gets me.

My idol Author I would say is Fern Britton, because she is just simply amazing. I have her on twitter and I feel like I can ask her a question about how she got round to writing a Novel after years of being a presenter. I want to have a few Novels out there in book shops like she has. I have plenty of spare time and I just want to write. I have so many ideas flowing through my brain, I have to write everything down so I don't forget.

I do love blogging but, I really do feel that my true career lies in that of becoming an author. Wish me well, as I continue my journey and write that next chapter. Follow your dreams, and go with your heart. Pour yourself and cup of tea, (or coffee) and let your fingers do the work and write, write, write.

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